Sacrament of Reconciliation
During the Covid 19 pandemic, there are new protocols for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Reconciliation will be by reservation only. This will allow a shorter wait for those wanting to celebrate the sacrament. When making a reservation you do not need to use your real name if you want to protect your anonymity. I hope to see some creative names like “Sorrowful Penitent” or “Seeking Forgiveness”. The purpose of the reservation is to spread out the time people are arriving and to shorten the time one needs to wait.
One must do a self-screening before coming to church. Anyone with any symptom of the virus must stay home. In order to successfully pass screening, a person must be able to answer “No” to each of these six questions. A “Yes” to even one question is a failed screening and one must stay home.
In the last 14 days, have you:
Chills, Muscle pain, Headache, Sore throat, or New loss of taste or smell
Reconciliation will be celebrated in the Holy Family Chapel at the west end of the South Narthex. This room offers more space and greater ventilation than the Reconciliation Chapel. Universal Face Coverings are mandatory.
All doors will be left open so one does not need to touch door handles. Music will be playing in the south narthex to protect confidentiality.
There is a screen set up in the Holy Family Chapel. One stands at the screen to celebrate the sacrament. There is no face-to-face confession at this time.
It is best if one is prepared to celebrate the sacrament, having done an examination of conscience and knowing what one needs to confess. Time is limited to ten minutes. Extended conversation or spiritual direction is not possible at this time.
Parishioners are limited to making one reservation per month, unless in danger of death.
There are special protocols for offering confession and anointing for those with the coronavirus. Call the parish office to arrange for that. If you are not feeling well, please stay home.
St. Vincent de Paul
Catholic Church
30525 8th Ave S,
Federal Way, WA 98003,
Inspired by the Holy Spirit and empowered by the Sacraments, our diverse community worships, serves and grows in the love and knowledge of Jesus.
To accompany one another into a year of favor, through Eucharistic revival, with openness to being made new.
We are Eucharistic people who pray, serve, play, and stay together with Jesus, and one another.
We are a growing Catholic community united and passionate in deepening and sharing our relationship with Jesus Christ through justice, love, and compassion.