The St. Vincent de Paul Parish Welcome Circle formed in January 2023 under the Welcome Circle program established by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to support displaced individuals and families through the Uniting4Ukraine (U4U) and Process 4 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV) programs.
The beneficiaries of these programs are admitted into the United States under Humanitarian Parole, which permits a temporary maximum stay of two years. Beneficiaries of these programs must have a U.S.-based sponsor.
The Archdiocese of Seattle is one of six agencies nationwide participating in the program. Father John Patrick DePalma, our priest administrator, learned about the program and took the lead in creating our Welcome Circle ministry. Our dedicated CORE team and direct services volunteers received staff support from the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Welcome Circles ministry.